Monday, December 10, 2012

Still Going Strong

This semester has been a crazy one!  But the one constant was volunteering at CARE.  You could say the dogs made my busy week relaxing.  I’m already an animal person, but I have my preferences (Golden Retriever, Labradors and sometimes German Shepherds).  As an individual, I accomplished an open-mind to other breeds of dogs, and the ability not to take one home.  There was a Golden Retriever puppy there for at least three months, and it was hard for me not to take him home.  Luckily, he has been happily adopted!

Even though we volunteered separately, the group accomplished most of what we planned.  We even overcame a small conflict between us.  We also communicate important events, dates and messages via our white board that is conveniently set up in place where everyone can see it on a daily basis.  Some positive outcomes have been that some of the members in the group built their confidence with the other animals and that we are able to resolve our conflicts.

I believe that in the spring we should voice our main/important concerns and conflicts before they build up, even if they seem small to someone else.  I look forward to seeing what else we can do to help CARE run.

~Deidre R. Hardy~

Pictures can be seen in the “pictures” tab

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